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Graphic Design & Marketing

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This page showcases a few of the many projects that I have participated which include infographics, marketing materials, process sketches, and web design These documents utilized my skills in technical writing, research, information architecture, graphic design, space relation, color theory and marketing skills.


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Infographic: A Mile in My Shoes

This project contained two parts that fulfilled requirements for two classes, document production and Women’s studies. For the document productions class I was asked to create an info graphic that represents a time period in a person’s life or week. At the same time in the semester I was asked to complete an 'Outrageous' act for Women’s Studies. My outrageous act was to take a week of my like and be visually what society, and media expects of Women, from the fake nails, tight dresses, high heals, and diet. My experience where shown through the inforgraphic seen to the left and a several page research paper outlining my findings.

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Infographic: The Boomers vs. Millennials 

This infographic was created to accompany a research presentation at the Calgary Kerby Centre, for audiences aged 55+. Over 20 speakers (myself included) presented their research relating to communications and aging. 


The research visualized within this infographic discussed how the younger generations daily Internet usage compared to generations  aged 65+.

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Icon Design


Logo design is a major part of what I do. Shown here are an example of one mock up logo created in 2011 and the process of it.


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Marketing Materials: Global Game Jam Mouse Pad

From over 400 locations in the world gamers connect and create video games in a global competition. In 2011, ,as part of a marketing course I was asked to advertise this event to students at Mount Royal University. With the audience in mind I felt the best marketing strategy was to design mouse pads to be placed around campus. The campaign went well and Global Game Jam 2011 was a huge success at Mount Royal University.

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Marketing Package Redesign: Twinings Tea

A requirement to complete marketing class I was asked to re-position a Twinning’s Tea product, design the new packaging, and create a strategy to market the new product. My Team and I choose to reposition the tea into a bath tea. I was responsible for much of the marketing strategies along with my group, but independently created the package design.

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Web Page Design: HIV Edmonton

As a class project HIV Edmonton requested each student submit an interface design for a new web site launch. They requested very simple and lighthearted design and that is what I delivered.

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Moble App Design: Here.I.Vent 

Along With the Web site HIV Edmonton asked for an app proposal. The requested the app allow the users to manage the anger they feel, so I created an interactive blog app that allows HIV affected individuals to communicate and vent their angers. The presentation was delivered through a video and was displayed during an awareness event in 2012.

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