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Books, Magazines, & Documents

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This page showcases a few of the many projects that I have participated which include style guides for a variety of projects, magazine articles (both formatted and written), corporate documents including proposals and process guides. These documents utilized my skills in technical writing, creative writing, information architecture, print production, photography, and marketing skills.

Interactive Education: University Medical Text e-B
Interactive Education: 
University Medical Text e-Book and Style Guide

Modernizing how students learn, by creating i-textbooks.


With the technology gained through the Lindsay Virtual Human Team at the U of C Undergraduate Medical Education Department, a highly interactive ‘ibook’ course document was created. Now text book learning included 3D interactive models of anatomy, educational video clips, and comprehensive diagrams. All my skills in photography, video management, page layout, instructional design, and user interfaces, came to great use with this project.


Much attention was gained for the Lindsay Project. Nancy Cope, a journalist for the Summit Magazine, wrote an article in 2013 about the Lindsay project. She focused on a few members of the team - including me. Also in 2012 Nancy Cope wrote a similar article for Face Time; Mount Royal University's online newspaper. As a separate piece for the university of Calgary work I created a visual style guide for the team to utilize in any future projects. This will create a look and feel for all future documents and interactive pieces, thus creating a strong brand for the new materials.

Branding & Artical Author: Verve Magazine
Branding & Article Author:  Verve Magazine

From blank pages, the Information Design class of 2014 brought life to VERVE magazine. The pages are filled with unique articles, written by each Information Designer, about their obsessions and passions (outside of Information Design), My two page article can be viewed on page 55 of the 2014 print addition (link to the left) as well as the online addition (link below). The planning, organizing, creating, and releasing of this over 80 page collection of work was a huge undertaking and wonderful experience. All teams worked independently and in combination with each other to seamlessly publish and release the 2014 VERVE magazine. 


Aside from creating a unique article of my responsibilities included being a member of the branding and website teams, who where responsible for the creation of the magazine's branding, look and feel, style guide and spec for the magazine as a whole, as well as responsible for the creation and management of the Verve web page. 

Coffee Table Book: 'Late For Dinner'
Coffee Table Book: 'Late For Dinner' 

A requirement to complete the document productions 1 course all students where asked to independently create a 'collections book' from scratch (complete all design, writing, and photography). For my project I choose to create a coffee table book (10.5" x 12.5") of a very talented quilters growing collection. All the quilts in this collection have stories and love behind them.

Magazine Layout and Branding: Gutters Edge
Magazine Layout, Branding, & Style: Gutters Edge 

A requirement to complete the document productions 1 course all students where asked to independently create a magazine. The articles where already written by other information design students and the task was to take the collection of articles and create a magazine, including branding and layout. I decided to create a magazine that was geared towards new information designers, and provide them with useful articles to enhance their new career.


As a separate piece for the Gutters Edge magazine I created a visual style guide, used for all future documents and interactive pieces, relating to the publication; thus creating a strong brand and recognition for the new materials.

How To Process Documents: City of Calgary Document
How To Process Documents: City of Calgary Documents

A requirement to complete the usability class all students where asked to independently create documents that would assist users of their web site by providing them how to documents as well as process documents to assist citizens with how procedures should be done. Here are the mock up documents created.

Marketing Campaign Proposal: Anti-Tooth Decay
Marketing Campaign Proposal: Anti-Tooth Decay 

A proposal document created as a project for an Instructional Design Course where the students where asked to work in teams of three, each team focusing on a different audience, to create a marketing campaign to assist Dr Leonard Smith, in informing and educating parents on the danger of tooth decay known as ECC and how to prevent it from occurring. Dr. Smith was obtained each teams strategy, proposal, and final marketing materials in order to enhance his campaign to reach a wide range audience. The proposal was the initial step and was approved prior to proceeding to the next steps of developing and designing the marketing materials proposed. See the link below for the marketing video created with the intent of being viewed in a physician’s office. 

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